Saints, The Musical

Saints, The Musical

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Stage 11: Dance 10 - Looks GREAT!!! What a CREATIVE TEAM!

Watch your step! Or in this case watch all the steps as the choreography by William 'Bill' Evans is really creative and innovative. He is a master at his craft and we were so lucky to have him on our creative team. When I watch 'My Motorcycle' it seems as if the guys are really on motorcycles. And that's just one number.

The whole world's a stage and there are some really fantastic numbers staged by  Sandy Cerel, Co-Director. In particular, 'I'm a Salesman', where the cast truly thumps bibles in a rock'em sock'em revival-type meeting for perspective salesmen and one saleswoman.

Tow the mark and mark your scripts when Lila Kane our Musical Director expects and receives nothing short of perfection from singers who give their all in every song and dance. Lila's husband, Kevin, has arranged "We're Awfully Glad We Met You", in true barber shop harmony which would make my Uncles and Father, who sang that song beautifully in the 1930's and 1940's, very proud!!

Annie Colannino, Co-Director, holds everything together. There's always one person who seeks no special attention nor desires to be singled out and that's Anne! Working as hard if not harder than everyone else she has managed to get us through the rough times with laughter and always a kind and understanding word. So helpful and creative, she has been teacher, mentor and dear friend for many, many years.

Marianne Douglas, my dearest friend and support, is billed as Assistant to me but she's more than an assistant. She's taught me so very much on how to be happy and to make others around me happy and I am so very grateful to her. Organized, amazingly talented and so beautiful inside and out it amazes me that she gives me so much of her time when she's so busy with so much else going on in her life. I could write a whole musical on all her accomplishments....who knows maybe one day I will!!!

Stage Left: Lights, Camera, Action!!! Technically speaking...

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